Medieval Towns & Villages
Medieval Cultures
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Welcome to the World Building Webquest!
Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is to create a fantasy
medieval world...
When I was a kid, I really liked to read about castles.
I got interested in reading fantasy through reading about medieval
history. Through reading fantasy, I developed an even greater
interest in medieval history. It is one of the things that inspired me to
get involved in living history, through a medieval recreation group called
the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Many fantasy books are based in a time period that resembles medieval or
rennaisance times. Many fantasy authors also draw on medieval history,
culture, religions, and myth in building
their characters and worlds. The best fantasy writers draw on a
combination of history, myth, and imagination. Drawing on real life
cultures and events can help to create a more believable world, that
is more interesting and has greater depth.
Whether writing a story based in the middle ages on Earth, or based in
a medieval type era in a world of their own devising, an author needs to
know a great many things about the world they are writing about. Building
a fantasy world, with kings and queens, lords and ladies, castles,
mythology, quests, and magic, can be fun in its own right as well.
In this Webquest, you will investigate various aspects of medieval history
and culture, and draw on real medieval history to help you build a fantasy medieval world.